With the start of the Glasgow COP just days away, there is a great deal of attention focused on whether the UK will open COP26 with a credible strategy in place to deliver decarbonisation targets through to 2050. An abundance of key Government documents, aiming to put this strategy in place, were published on 19th October – including the long-awaited Net Zero and Heat and Buildings Strategies. Whilst both documents contain a wide range of commitments and policy announcements we focus here on the role of local governments, evaluating the extent to which commitments in the new strategies align with recent studies on local net zero needs.
Local and regional governments lack the formal status of negotiating parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) but have a vital role to play in informing and delivering climate action on the ground. It is increasingly clear that many of the critical actions needed to deliver net zero are place-based; these include the development of smart, local energy systems which incorporate demand reduction, decarbonised heat and transport, and flexible system operation. Often the best combination of actions is highly dependent on context, based on existing infrastructure, opportunities and local priorities.
In the UK there is currently significant investment and experimentation in the scope for local energy systems. Both the Net Zero Strategy and the Heat and Buildings Strategy assert the importance of local approaches to net zero, with the Net Zero strategy incorporating a section on ‘local climate action’ which reiterates the ‘essential role’ devolved and local government play in meeting national net zero ambitions. It identifies the key priorities for supporting local action on net zero as:
But to what extent are these priorities and the associated commitments in line with other analysis of local needs to accelerate net zero delivery?
Recognising the importance of place-based climate action a number of organisations have recently published analyses of the role of local government. In July 2021 the National Audit Office, at the request of the Environmental Audit Committee, published its report on the role of local government in net zero. The report concluded that there are ‘serious weaknesses in central government’s approach to working with local authorities on decarbonisation’ and set out a range of recommendations.
Six further reports published since July 2020 (the Climate Change Committee, Regen, Green Alliance, EnergyRev, Energy Systems Catapult and UK100) considered the local government role and offered proposals about the reforms necessary to enable local areas to fully contribute to decarbonisation. Comparing the findings of these reports reveals a high level of agreement between studies, with five main points of accord relating to the need for 1) a local net zero framework, 2) a local net zero statutory duty, 3) reporting standards, 4) reform of funding, and 5) planning reforms. These common themes are outlined in table 1. There is, of course, a great deal of further analysis and detailed recommendations associated with each report, however the consensus on the core structures required to facilitate local action is clear. Below we review the commitments in the Net Zero Strategy against the five recurring themes in these studies.
Overall the net zero strategy suggests some progress for the local government role in net zero. Formalisation of BEIS responsibility to lead coordination with local government, together with continuing support for the Local Net Zero Hubs, are important steps. However much remains uncertain, and subject to action in the coming months, as Government sets out its plans relating to central and local government interaction on net zero; the simplification of local net zero funds; its position on local area energy mapping and planning, and the very significant task of reforming spatial planning.
Additionally, local government is a devolved power, providing scope for divergence in approach between England and the devolved nations. Within UKERC we are investigating the development of local and regional energy systems in Great Britain, examining the interactions between policy frameworks across England, Scotland and Wales and local approaches to energy system decarbonisation. We will be sharing our findings here as the research progresses.