Putting net zero into action: conference videos

28 Jul 2022

In June, we hosted our research conference ‘Putting Net Zero into Action: addressing the implementation gap’. It was our first conference since the pandemic, our first hybrid conference, and the first chance for the community to debate the Net Zero Strategy.

We were thrilled to have Niall Toru, senior lawyer, Friends of the Earth and Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester delivering our keynotes at the conference.

Niall Toru provided an update on the legal challenges being brought by Friends of the Earth, ClientEarth and the Good Law Project regarding the Net Zero Strategy, with the High Court ruling just last week (18th July) that it breaches the Climate Change Act.

Andy Burnham spoke about the decarbonisation efforts that have been undertaken in Manchester, including its science based target, plans for transport, local energy mapping and the levelling up agenda.

You can watch their keynotes and videos of all of the the sessions below. The sessions covered the following topics: the gas crisis, power sector decarbonisation, the public sector, transport equity, the costs and benefits of decarbonisation, infrastructure, skills and supply chains, biomass and negative emissions technologies, industry, the environment and energy demand.


Monday 13 June

Welcome, first keynote and session 1: The global energy crisis – implications for the UK’s energy security and net zero ambitions​

Welcome: Professor Paul Dodds, Conference Chair

First keynote: Niall Toru, Senior Lawyer, Friends of the Earth

Session 1: Professor Mike Bradshaw, University of Warwick; Dr Jack Sharples, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies​; Professor Stefan Bouzarovski, University of Manchester​; Dr Caroline Kuzemko, University of Warwick.


Session 2: Power decarbonisation – is new nuclear needed for security of supply?

Professor Katherine Morris, University of Manchester; Professor Keith Bell, University of Strathclyde; Liam Lidstone, Energy Systems Catapult; Dr Philip Johnstone, University of Sussex; Professor Paul Dodds, University College London


Session 3: Public sector – the roles of local government in enabling decarbonisation, both directly and as an enabler for other sectors

Dr Katherine Sugar, University Edinburgh; Karl Harder, Abundance Investment; Dr Katy Roelich, University of Leeds; Joseph Holmes, West Berkshire Council


Session 4: Energy and transport equity in the drive for net zero

Stefan Bouzarovski, University of Manchester; Valentine Quinio, Centre for Cities; Professor Jillian Anable, University of Leeds; Michael McGovern, Cambridge Econometrics; Josh Burke, London School of Economics


Session 5: Costs and benefits of decarbonisation

Dr Helen Poulter, University of Edinburgh; Dr Raphael Slade, Imperial College London; Professor Paul Ekins, University College London; Mike Thompson, Climate Change Committee; Jon Stenning, Cambridge Econometrics; Rain Newton-Smith, Chief Economist, CBI


Session 6: Energy infrastructure needs for achieving net zero

Professor Sara Walker, Newcastle University; Malcolm Arthur, National Grid; Dr Vandad Hamidi, Vinci Energies; Kirsty Hamilton OBE, Chatham House


Session 7: Unlocking net-zero innovation, skills and supply chains

Rachel Bray and Rebecca Ford, University of Strathclyde; Professor Karen Turner, University of Strathclyde; Kayla Ente MBE, Brighton & Hove Energy Service; Cara Jenkinson, Ashden; Dr Richard Hanna, Imperial College London


Session 8: Biomass strategy and negative emission technologies

Professor Gail Taylor & Dr Rob Holland, University of Southampton; Oliver Broad, University College London; Professor Patricia Thornley, Aston University; Dr Rebecca Rowe, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology at Lancaster; Professor Nick Pidgeon, Cardiff University


Session 9: Industry sector – maintaining competitiveness?

Dr Ahmed Gailani, University of Leeds; Abi Thomas, Climate Change Committee; Dr Sam Cooper, University of Bath; Dr Danial Sturge, Energy Systems Catapult; Ana Musat, Aldersgate Group; Dr Julian Gregory, University of Manchester


Session 10: Balancing net zero and other environmental objectives

Professor Andrew Lovett, UEA; Dr Gemma Delafield, University of Exeter; Professor Brett Day, University of Exeter; Professor Nicola Beaumont, Plymouth Marine Laboratory; Professor Christina von Haaren, Leibniz University Hannover


Session 11:  Low energy demand – opportunities for resilience and adaptation in the face of changing climates

Professor Jillian Anable, University of Leeds; Dr Steve Pye, University College London; Professor Patrick Devine Wright, University of Exeter; Dr Maria Sharmina, Government Office for Science; Professor Alice Larkin, University of Manchester


Wrap-up and panel session: Strengths and weaknesses of the Net Zero Strategy and next steps

Mike Colechin, Cultivate; Professor Rob Gross, UK Energy Research Centre; Dr Joanne Wade OBE, The Association for Decentralised Energy; Dhara Vyas, Energy UK; Professor Keith Bell, University of Strathclyde