Peter Taylor

Peter Taylor

University of Leeds

Peter Taylor holds a Chair in Sustainable Energy Systems at the University of Leeds where his interdisciplinary research addresses the challenges of accelerating the transition to sustainable low-carbon energy systems.

Peter leads the industrial decarbonisation theme in UKERC and is also a member of the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS), the Supergen Energy Networks Hub and the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy.

He has acted as advisor to a number of organisations including the Committee on Climate Change, the former Department of Energy and Climate Change and various United Nations and European Union bodies. Prior to joining Leeds, Peter was Head of the Energy Technology Policy Division at the International Energy Agency in Paris, where he was responsible for high profile publications such as the Energy Technology Perspectives and the Energy Technology Roadmap series. In an earlier consultancy career, he was Technical Director of a major UK energy and environmental practice.