Full title

Phase 4: Flexible Research Fund

UKERC’s  Phase 4 programme includes a £3 million Flexible Research Fund that will be allocated via a series of three open calls, anticipated to take place in 2020 and 2021. The Fund is overseen by an independent Research Committee.

The aims of the Fund are:

  • To provide flexibility for the UKERC research programme in the light of new scientific insights or developments in policies, technologies or industries.
  • To bring a wider range of researchers and disciplines into UKERC’s research programme, including researchers from outside the ‘traditional’ energy community.
  • To scope and develop new research agendas in partnership with funders, the research community and other stakeholders; and to promote integration in the UKERC research programme, and to fill gaps where needed.

Funding rounds and successful projects

Four projects were awarded in January 2021 in response to our first call which focused on the areas of governance, cooling and finance.

The second round of funding closed in June 2021, and focused on projects that explore the effectiveness and impact of policies that form part of the ‘green industrial revolution’ envisaged by the UK Government as part of its response to Covid-19. Projects will be announced in due course.

An online consultation to help inform and gather topics for our third and final round of funding closed in June and it is anticipated that this final call will open later this year.

For more information please contact Ioanna Ketsopoulou.