This project is split into two sub-projects.

Assembling Agency for Local and Regional Net Zero Energy Systems

Local and regional governments, working through cross-sector partnerships, can make very significant contributions to UK net zero and energy security, while reducing whole system costs and increasing local cobenefits. Systematic progress has, however, proved elusive for predominantly non-technical reasons. This project will explore which organisational innovations unlock systematic progress on local and regional net zero systems. It will interact with the Innovate UK Net Zero Living Programme demonstrators to trace which organisations prove critical for what purposes, perceived missing links in local and regional social ecologies, and how consortia seek to bridge those. Findings will identify insights into net zero energy governance, finance structures, and energy markets and regulation. Integration with our research on Delivering Energy Infrastructure will provide policy insights on multi-scalar spatial energy planning.

Neighbourhood Approaches to Retrofit and Heat Decarbonisation

Retrofit activity is not happening at the pace or scale required to deliver net zero. Neighbourhood-based approaches could help to accelerate delivery. The Net Zero Neighbourhood Demonstrator (NZN) in the West Midlands is testing such an approach through novel public/private/third sector partnerships. UKERC research shows that individual context and delivery mechanisms are significant in the success of retrofit interventions. However, detailed understanding of how social processes influence the success of retrofit programmes is lacking. A realist evaluation of the NZN programme, including longitudinal work with communities, will provide insights into what works, for whom, when, and how. Analysis will interact with related EDRC research, adding insights on contextual success factors.