This project aims to explore viable options for integrating a large amount of distributed, multi-vector, multi-size, and multi-duration energy storage systems into effective LLES.

It will investigate how they interact, seek optimal effective system configuration, and the associated economics to address significant long-term, inter-seasonal energy mismatches within the energy system. Various inter-seasonal LLES options and their combinations will be explored, including, but not limited to, mechanical, thermal, chemical and electrochemical storage technologies. Research will consider technical specifications, scalability, geographical constraints, environmental impact and cost-effectiveness.

This project will also investigate the integration of LLES into the existing energy system operation, to maximise use of existing infrastructure and address projected stranded asset challenges, and assess its impact on energy supply resilience.

The work will be taken forward in close collaboration with the Energy Markets Lab, other UKERC research activities, and external consortia including EDRC, Supergen Energy Networks Impact Hub and EPICS.