To ensure outputs of this research can be applied in a meaningful way, Project 2 will facilitate regular two way communication of the research programme science to a variety of users including policy makers, environmental managers and industry. This is in addition to facilitating the integration of the valuing nature and energy academic communities.


ADVENT will bring together and cohere the energy and valuing nature communities through three levels of knowledge exchange. First, as the project members span these disciplines, collaboration within the ADVENT science programme will build capacity for integrating these communities. Secondly, we will disseminate our experiences through our established networks in UKERC, the Valuing Nature Programme and the ESRC Nexus Network Plus. Finally, we will engage stakeholders through our Advisory Group and involvement in Project 1 workshops.

The key outcomes from ADVENT will be synthesised into a scientific report and a policy-briefing document translating research outcomes for stakeholders.   Additionally, through interaction with UKERC, VNP and the ESRC Nexus Network, and where possible participating in joint initiatives or information sharing, the PI and other members of the ADVENT research team will undertake other engagement activities, including presentations at non-science conferences or exhibitions, communicating the importance of our project for policy and businesses concerned with valuing natural capital in energy pathways.


KE activities will inform the whole research programme and how the overall science aim is achieved. As discussed above there will be a range of dissemination pathways and outputs to meet our aspirations for wider engagement and communication.