The race towards inclusive energy access and a net zero carbon society could elude the world if households in developing countries, especially rural areas, are continually left out due to their location.

Also, the impacts of energy poverty on women and children are often hidden in studies that use aggregate data. For example, women mainly bear the brunt of using three-stone fires as they do most of the cooking in developing countries. In addition, women are responsible for fetching wood from the bush and carrying it home on their heads. Compared to their male counterparts, these activities limit their participation and benefits in the labour market.

However, it is difficult to understand how women and young children are disproportionately affected by energy poverty without conducting an in-depth study. Thus, this project aims to provide insights into the impact of dirty energy on mothers’ and their children’s physical and mental well-being.

Approach and outputs

We will employ a cross-sectional face-to-face survey using closed and open-ended questions. This method will allow us to explore answers to questions in more depth and enable the use of a pulse oximeter. In addition, we will combine binary and polytomous models to analyse the data.

The study will provide a framework of findings by evaluating the impact of energy sources on respondents’ welfare. A report to contribute to the body of knowledge in energy and gender research will be produced.