This project will investigate the evolution of flexible mobility demands over time, place and key road transport modes (cars, vans, e-bikes), to assess the implications for electricity network operation of increasing electrification of vehicles. It aims to explore the feasibility of coevolving electricity and transport infrastructures.
We will co-develop scenario pathways with key stakeholders, and enhance and deploy a bespoke UKERC-developed system modelling framework, the Transport Energy Air pollution Model (TEAM). We will provide policy-focused insights on the spatial and temporal variation in electricity demand from EVs using the Spatial Temporal Engine for Vehicle fleet Evolution (STEVE), which combines the vehicle fleet evolution model of TEAM with a spatial vehicle ownership prediction model and a charging schedule model.
The spatial-temporal information of electrification of transport at Lower Super Output Area and Local Authority levels, currently available for Scotland but to be extended to GB, will be integrated with the GB power network models to quantify the coevolution need for a range of cases, including no flexibility, smart charging, and Vehicle to Grid.