Videos: ‘UKERC at 20’ Celebration Event

20 Jun 2024

On April 24th, 2024, UKERC celebrated 20 years in operation by holding a live event in London to mark the occasion. Reflecting on UKERC’s past and current achievements, the special event gathered energy researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders for thought-provoking discussions, engaging presentations, and networking opportunities. We featured several presentations with speakers from past and present UKERC and other stakeholders from academia and the private sector. Watch the recordings of the day below.

Opening Remarks

Opening remarks from UKERC Co-Director Nicola Beaumont who chaired the event.

Looking Back

Looking Back: Energy policy & UKERC through the years. Chair: Joan MacNaughton, Clean Growth Leadership Network and Dialogue Earth and UKERC Advisory Board member 2014-2017.

Changing energy policy context since 2004: Peter Taylor, UKERC Co-Director, University of Leeds.

Reflections on UKERC history: Jim Watson, UCL, UKERC Director 2013-2019.

Comments from Paul Ekins, UCL, UKERC Co-Director 2004-2019.

The Changing Research Context 1

Chair: Caroline Kuzemko, UKERC, University of Warwick.

The role of the environment: Nicola Beaumont, UKERC Co-Director, Plymouth Marine Laboratory.

The role of public participation: Jason Chilvers, UKERC Co-Director, University of East Anglia.

The role of systematic evidence reviews: Phil Heptonstall, UKERC, Imperial College London.

The Changing Research Context 2

Chair: Caroline Kuzemko, UKERC, University of Warwick.

The role of energy data: Catherine Jones, UKERC, Science & Technology Facilities Council.

The role of modelling: Neil Strachan, UKERC Co-Director, UCL.

Impact Highlights

Chair: Joanne Wade, UKERC Advisory Board Chair, Association for Decentralised Energy Spatial and temporal heat demand for decarbonisation in Wales.

Decarbonisation of dispersed industrial sites: Meysam Qadrdan, UKERC, Cardiff University.

COP26 and the Green Grids Initiative: Imogen Rattle and Ahmed Gailani, UKERC, University of Leeds.

User Perspectives: Will Blyth, UKERC, Oxford Energy Associates. Jane Dennett-Thorpe, Ofgem, UKERC Advisory Board member 2013-2015. David Joffe, Royal Academy of Engineering.

Looking Forward

Looking Forward: Priorities for the next 20 years. Chair: Jess Britton, UKERC, University of Edinburgh. Future UKERC research themes: Keith Bell, UKERC Co-Director, University of Strathclyde, featuring panellists: Joanne Wade, Association for Decentralised Energy Dhara Vyas, Energy UK Sara Walker, University of Birmingham Damitha Adikaari, Department of Energy Security & Net Zero.

Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks: Nicola Beaumont, UKERC Co-Director, Plymouth Marine Laboratory.