Video: Review of Energy Policy 2021

16 Dec 2021

Yesterday we held an event to launch our annual Review of Energy Policy.

Chaired by Director Rob Gross, we had presentations from Co-Directors Mike Bradshaw who focused on gas and Nicky Beaumont who focused on the environment.

This was followed by a panel discussion with:

  • Maureen Paul, Interim Chief Economist, Ofgem
  • Doug Parr, Chief Scientist and Policy Director, Greenpeace
  • Prof.  Beth Scott, University of Aberdeen
  • Prof Jim Watson, Director of the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources

Following short responses to the report from each of the panellists the event moved to questions from attendees. Ranging from the impact of Brexit on gas prices, to bio-energy, natural capital, gas storage and adaptation, the discussion was very interesting.

Watch the video here: