Public Participation in Climate and Energy Policy-Making

21 Sep 2023

The Journal of Environmental Research Communications and its guest editors – Gota Perlaviciute (Gronigngen), Christina Demski (Bath), David Bidwell (Rhode Island), and Nick Pidgeon (Cardiff) – are inviting contributions for a special issue on public participation in climate and energy policy-making from social sciences or related perspectives. Contributions may cover climate mitigation, adaptation and related policy fields (e.g. biodiversity or nature-focused policies) as well as public engagement at different scales, such as participation to inform specific policies (e.g. a specific transport policy within a specific city) or broad strategies to reach a policy goal (e.g. Net Zero strategies of a nation). Different forms of public participation are relevant, including, but not limited to town-hall meetings, climate citizen assemblies, consensus conferences, and referenda. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are invited.

Please see here for more details and contact Christina Demski ( if you would like to discuss submitting a paper.