ETI Publications available from the EDC

16 Dec 2021

The Energy Technologies Institute was a private public partnership between energy firms and the UK Government which operated from 2007 to 2018. Its goal was to accelerate the innovation and development of new low carbon technologies in order to speed adoption and to help the UK reach its climate goals.  As part of this remit it funded 150 projects in the following programme areas: bioenergy, buildings, carbon capture & storage, distributed energy, energy storage & distribution, marine, nuclear, offshore wind, smart systems & heat and  transport.

When the ETI closed, the Energy Data Centre agreed to take the valuable collection of project outcomes and ETI strategy documents and host them for the long-term.  These documents have a wealth of information on the technology development supported by ETI and form a unique collection.  This collection can be searched using dedicated functionality in the EDC available from . The documents can be discovered using ETI programmes, projects or publication information.