Call for Submissions: 2024 USAEE Young Professional Best Paper Award Competition

20 Jun 2024

The USAEE has announced the 2024 Young Professional Best Paper Award Competition. This prestigious competition aims to recognise the exceptional work of young professionals, with the winner receiving both recognition and a cash award. Further details of prizes will be announced in due course.

Eligibility and Submission Guidelines

Young professionals who are 35 years or younger at the time of submission or within five years of completing their last degree are invited to participate. The scope for eligibility is wide and includes those working in academia, industry, government, and other organisations.

Competition Process

Participants are required to submit abstracts of their papers for initial consideration. From these submissions, four finalists will be selected. These finalists will then submit their full papers and present their research live at the 41st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, taking place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Further Details

For details on how to enter and for information on the 2024 Young Professional Best Paper Award Competition click here.