There have been multiple calls for investment in green jobs, skills and infrastructure to help achieve the UK’s net zero target, while supporting economic recovery from COVID-19 and a just transition away from high carbon sectors. Employment and economic benefits are often cited as part of efforts to lobby for investment in clean energy projects such as renewables, low carbon heating and energy efficiency.
This webinar presented the key findings and policy recommendations arising from UKERC’s latest project exploring low carbon energy jobs. In particular, it considered whether policy-driven expansion of low carbon energy actually creates jobs, particularly if the policies in question require subsidies that are paid for through bills or taxes.
Speakers: Janet Wood, British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE); Jan Webb, University of Edinburgh and UKERC; Richard Hanna, Imperial College London and UKERC; Chloé Nemo Ramirez, The Climate Change Committee (CCC); Charles Wood, Energy UK; Anna Markova, Trades Union Congress (TUC).
If you would like a copy of Richard’s slides, please email Amber Sawyer.