Scotland’s energy transition: research and policy challenges

03 October 2024. 10:00

Experts from UKERC, ClimateXChange (CXC) and partners will be presenting their latest research in the context of current and future energy policy in Scotland. 

This joint UKERC-CXC conference in Edinburgh on 3 October 2024 will address and debate a range of topics, with the aim of enhancing/initiating collaborations between researchers and stakeholders from across the energy sector, including representatives from the Scottish Government.

The event is targeted at policymakers, including the Scottish Government and local authorities, as well as researchers, industry representatives and the third sector.

To sign up for the event click here.

Draft agenda

9.30-10.00 Registration – Tea and coffee
10.10-10.30 Scottish Government Policy Overview

·       Mel MacRae, Scottish Government

10.30-11.15 Session 1: Local, Regional & Community Energy

Chair: Jess Britton, UKERC/University of Edinburgh

·       Jess Britton, UKERC/University of Edinburgh: Integrating LHEES & regional plans towards delivery

·       Jess Hogan, Regen: Leveraging local and community energy for a just transition in Scotland

·       Faith Pashley, Ofgem: Title TBC

11.15-11.35 Refreshments
11.35-12.20 Session 2: Buildings: Heating & Energy Efficiency, Challenges & Solutions

Chair: Mark Winskel, UKERC/University of Edinburgh

·       Christian Calvillo and Antonios Katris, UKERC/University of Strathclyde: Regional jobs & skills implications

·       Tessa Clark, LCP Delta: Heat Pumps on Subscription

·       Nick Pidgeon, UKERC/Cardiff University: Mapping the landscape of public attitudes towards low-carbon heating technologies

12.20-13.20 Lunch
13.20-14.05 Session 3: Buildings – Retrofit & International Lessons

Chair: Nicola Dunn, CXC

·       Richard Hanna, UKERC/Imperial College: International lessons for ‘able-to-pay’ sector

·       Chris Carus, Loco Home Retrofit CIC & Gavin Johnston, Built Environment – Smarter Transformation: The suitability of clean heating options for challenging dwelling types

·       Elaine Waterson & Adrianna Threpsiadi, Energy Saving Trust: (Title TBC)

14.05-14.25 Refreshments
(45 mins)
Session 4: Electricity Market Reform – System-Level Changes & Challenges

Chair: Scottish Renewables (TBC)

·       Keith Bell, UKERC/University of Strathclyde

·       Simon Gill, Independent

·       Karen Dickson, Scottish Government

15.10-15.55 Session 5: Scotland’s Just Energy Transition: Future Policy & Research Priorities

Chair: Rob Gross, UKERC

·       Jamie Speirs, UKERC/University of Strathclyde

·       Kirsten Jenkins, University of Edinburgh

·       Scottish Government representative (TBC)

·       CXC (TBC)

15.55-16.00 Closing remarks
16.00-17.00 Networking reception

About CXC

ClimateXChange is Scotland’s Centre of expertise connecting climate change research and policy. Funded by the Scottish Government, they commission research and analysis to support the Scottish Government as it develops policies on adapting to the changing climate and transitioning to net zero. They respond to questions and requests for evidence, and identify upcoming evidence needs.

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UKERC hosted
Edinburgh, Scotland