Vision: to be the UK’s centre of excellence for creating and applying knowledge to inform the energy transition and build a low-carbon, sustainable future.
Mission: enabling the UK research community to conduct independent, multidisciplinary research to inform net zero decision making. Exploring new questions, methods and agendas, and maximising impact through local, national, and international engagement.
UKERC has an important communications and engagement responsibility both in respect to its research programme and its role representing the wider energy research community.
UKERC has three core objectives as outlined in the UKERC Strategy (2019-2024):
We recognise that effective, integrated and coordinated communication and engagement will be key to carrying out UKERC’s overarching objectives, particularly the second and third objectives outlined above.
UKERC’s communications strategy is to deliver relevant and timely outputs that highlight our whole-systems expertise, inform key audiences and advance understanding of the transition to a net zero energy system.
Download the communications strategy here.
UKERC’s engagement strategy is to engage stakeholders in inclusive, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral exchanges around net zero decision-making to maximise the impact of UK whole systems energy research.
Download the engagement strategy here.
These are ‘living’ documents and will be reviewed and updated to incorporate feedback and new emerging priorities. If you have any comments, please contact Jordan Willis.