
UKERC is funded by UKRI, specifically by EPSRC and ESRC, and is advised by an independent Advisory Board.

Specific funding activities are also overseen by independent groups of experts, with the Flexible Fund overseen by the Research Committee and the Whole Systems Networking Fund overseen by a Steering Committee.

Funders Group

A new Funders Group was formed in 2014. The Group comprises of representatives from the three research councils that fund the Centre: the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board meets at least twice a year, and its purpose is to:

  • Oversee the consortium, providing strategic direction and advice.
  • Provide challenge and guidance that helps maximise impact and deliver against UKERC’s core goals and mission statement.

Members of the Advisory Board are:

  • Alex O’Cinneide, Gore Street Capital;
  • Alister McGirr, SSE;
  • Damitha Adikaari, BEIS;
  • Dhara Vyas, EnergyUK;
  • Doug Parr, Greenpeace UK;
  • Ed Sheriff, Welsh Government;
  • Emma Pinchbeck, Climate Change Committee;
  • Joanne Wade, Association of Decentralised Energy and Chair of UKERC Research Committee;
  • Kate Ashworth, west Midlands Combined Authority;
  • Kersti Berge, Scottish Government;
  • Matt Copeland, National Energy Action;
  • Mike Thompson, National Energy System Operator;
  • Nick Eyre, Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDs);
  • Guy Newey, Energy Systems Catapult;
  • Philip Sellwood, Independent;
  • Richard Rodgers, Northern Ireland Government;
  • Sara Walker, Centre for Energy Systems Integration (CESI);
  • Tracy Dale, UKRI;
  • Vivienne Blackstone, UKRI.


The Centre was established following a recommendation made by the Chief Scientific Advisor’s Energy Research Review Group’s 2002 report.

Broadly, the report recommended setting up a new Energy Research Centre to:

  • Bring together government, industry and academia
  • Be a networking centre to co-ordinate UK research, facilitate industry collaboration and promote UK participation in international projects
  • Be a centre of excellence in its own right
  • Help maximise returns from research investment and leverage private sector funds

Phase 1: 2004-2009

The UK Research Councils invited bids to run the Centre, with submissions received from three consortia of academic institutions lead by Imperial College London, the Kelvin Consortium (comprising several institutions including Manchester University), the Science and Technology Facilities Council (at the time known as CCLRC), the New and Renewable Energy Centre and the University of Oxford.

On advice of the Scientific Advisory Committee the bids were combined, with Professor Jim Skea invited to lead the consortia. The Research Councils accepted the new proposal and activities started in October 2004. Professor Jim Skea assumed the role of Research Director in July 2004; John Loughhead was appointed as Executive Director in November 2004.

Phase 2: 2009-2014

In early 2009, UKERC was invited by the Research Council’s Energy Programme to submit a proposal for a further five years work. Led by Prof. Jim Skea, the proposal was accepted and UKERC Phase II began on 30 April 2009.

The UKERC Research Programme changed significantly in terms of partners and objectives and also a new Research Fund has been established.

Activities such as the Research Atlas, the Meeting Place and the National Energy Research Network all continue in UKERC Phase 2.

Phase 3: 2014-2019

Led by Prof. Jim Watson, UKERC’s activities were substantially re-oriented in Phase 3.

The first two phases of UKERC focused on understanding what a decarbonised UK energy system would look like in 2050 and how the transition towards this system could be achieved.

The third phase recognised the increasingly contested and uncertain nature of energy system change. It explored the UK energy transition in an uncertain world, and the synergies and trade-offs between the key drivers for this transition.

Phase 4: 2019-2024

UKERC Phase 4 commenced in 2019 and runs until 2024. It was led by Rob Gross, bringing together experts from social science, engineering, environmental science and economics to tackle the real world problems of the energy transition. The phase featured researchers based at 20 leading UK universities.

UKERC had three core objectives as outlined in the Phase 4 UKERC Strategy:

  • Conducting whole systems research: carrying out a programme of interdisciplinary research on future energy systems that is driven by the need to transition to a net zero energy system, whilst exploring new questions, methods, and agendas.
  • Enabling the research community: enabling the UK energy research community to maximise impact through local, national, and international engagement, and by encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and capacity building throughout the career path.
  • Providing evidence for decision-making: working with key stakeholders through our research and engagement activities, and provide evidence to support decision-making

Latest phase: 2024-2029

UKERC has recently been granted funding for the latest phase of its research. It is led by Rob Gross, and centres on four key challenges:

  • The infrastructure delivery challenge: renewable energy, transmission networks and electric heat and transport requires unprecedented investment, innovation and societal acceptance.
  • The flexibility challenge: moving away from fossil fuels in cars, homes and industries means we need to find new ways to operate the energy system flexibly and reliably, whilst also integrating large amounts of wind and solar power.
  • The geopolitical challenge: addressing global energy security concerns and ensuring resilient supply chains.
  • The affordability and justice challenge: ensuring that the energy transition is fair, equitable, and accessible to all segments of society.