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Phase 3: Future Energy System Pathways

The pathways programe is analysing the implications of possible UK energy futures. It is examining these transitions in the context of uncertain global trends, and is exploring synergies and trade-offs between the key drivers for this transition.

Most notably, the research is analysing pathways that meet current UK policy targets for reducing emissions, and is comparing them to others in which other energy system drivers overwhelm low carbon policies, or the future direction of policy changes dramatically.

This programme is designed to integrate insights from across the UKERC research programme, and to promote interdisciplinary working. Rather than developing a single comprehensive set of UKERC energy scenarios, the main aim of the programme is to explore specific questions or issues through a set of related scenario projects. Early priorities for the programme include analysing the implications of different UK energy futures for energy security; and exploring the impact of these futures on natural capital and ecosystem services.